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1 000 000+ end-users are served by Splynx software daily
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Skywire, South Africa
Reduced the time to connect a customer two times and completely eliminated manual mistakes
"We had manual management of LTE authentication and bandwidth management for Wireless and DSL lines. After migration to Splynx, we got one central platform that resolved these tasks and provided us central IP address management, equipment tracking and map of the network. Now we have reduced the time for provision one customer two or three times compared to what was before Splynx deployment."
Jaco Visagie, Director
Wireless Nation, New Zealand
Enabled growth, eliminated the requirement to build own inhouse software
"One of the key aspects of our business was always our management software. Our company was developing own in house solution for a long time that matched exactly our needs and processes. But in certain point we found that support and further development is inefficient and decided to move to commercial platform. Splynx delivered us custom modules and development took around 3-4 month in total. And then it took one month to migrate all our business processes and customer to the Splynx platform.“
Andeas Derleth, CEO