
Network management Contention in Splynx

Contention in Splynx (aggregation of users)

Splynx provides the feature of contention or aggregation. This feature is used when ISP sells to the end-users services ...

Network management

UBNT AirOS wireless RADIUS authentication

With Ubiquiti access points, you can easily authenticate RADIUS via a RADIUS server. This means the admin doesn’t have...

System configuration Ubiquiti EdgeRouters pppoe Radius support

Ubiquiti EdgeRouters PPPoE RADIUS support

UBNT EdgeRouters can act as a PPPoE server, with authentication of CPEs, providing statistics, blocking end-users, and s...

Billing Billing in Splynx

Billing, invoicing, and finances in Splynx

Business is always about profit. ISP needs to control customer payments, generate invoices, process, and pair payments, ...

System administration

How to reset Splynx admin password

This blog post explains how to restore passwords from the command line if you forget two super admin passwords given by ...

System administration Two-factor authentication in Splynx

Two-factor authentication in Splynx

To secure your data, we introduce the support of two-factor authentication of administrator login to the Splynx ISP Fram...

Network management Weather maps monitoring

Splynx monitoring and weather maps

Splynx monitoring is based on SNMP, RRD, and Ping tools. The administrator can set up monitoring for any OID supported b...

Network management

IP address management

IP addresses are used in every corporate or ISP network. They're an essential component of the whole networking. There a...

Network management

Splynx integration with vBNG netElastic

In this article, we’ll display how to properly configure the virtual Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG) solution from ne...

System administration Winbox for Mac OS

Mikrotik Winbox for MAC OS

As many MAC OS users, we were fighting with installing Winbox to our MACs.

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Bandwidth isn't key to QoE. Latency, bufferbloat & jitter matters
Splynx Integration with Netcash: Introducing the eMandate Feature
Splynx Network sites
Not only invoices and payments. Helpful billing tips for WISPs