Network management

Network management Splynx Radius server

Splynx Radius server

Splynx ISP framework consists of different sub-systems. One of the framework's leading and most essential parts is the S...

Network management

How to configure and troubleshoot Splynx Radius

This post explains how to troubleshoot communication between the router (Mikrotik example) and Radius.

Network management Contention in Splynx

Contention in Splynx (aggregation of users)

Splynx provides the feature of contention or aggregation. This feature is used when ISP sells to the end-users services ...

Network management

UBNT AirOS wireless RADIUS authentication

With Ubiquiti access points, you can easily authenticate RADIUS via a RADIUS server. This means the admin doesn’t have...

Network management Weather maps monitoring

Splynx monitoring and weather maps

Splynx monitoring is based on SNMP, RRD, and Ping tools. The administrator can set up monitoring for any OID supported b...

Network management

IP address management

IP addresses are used in every corporate or ISP network. They're an essential component of the whole networking. There a...

Network management

Splynx integration with vBNG netElastic

In this article, we’ll display how to properly configure the virtual Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG) solution from ne...

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