
Billing Cashdesk module in Splynx

Cashdesk module

Cashdesk is a Splynx module for processing payments. The Cashdesk can be used by accountants who don’t have to get acc...

Billing How to receive payments via PayPal in Splynx

PayPal payments in Splynx

You can receive payments via PayPal using Splynx. Splynx generates invoices for services, that are sent to customers’ ...

Billing Sage one integration with Splynx

Splynx Sage One integration

After a recent integration with Sage One, Splynx allows Internet and Voice providers to manage the business more efficie...


Custom prepaid billing and one-time services

Starting from v.2.3 Splynx, it's possible to charge customers daily, monthly, or by any set period with the custom prepa...


Learn About Prepaid Billing in Splynx

Full prepaid billing is used when ISP charges a customer in advance and provides them access for a specific time.

Billing Billing in Splynx

Billing, invoicing, and finances in Splynx

Business is always about profit. ISP needs to control customer payments, generate invoices, process, and pair payments, ...

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