Splynx ISP framework consists of different sub-systems. One of the framework’s leading and most essential parts is the Splynx Radius server: PPPoE, DHCP, IPoE, Hotspot, Wireless, or Static IP/MAC authentication. Splynx solution also provides smart bandwidth management, billing, and other useful features.
Splynx Radius server is used to perform AAA tasks.
With Splynx you can set up administrator access to equipment to check their credentials over the Radius server database.
If their username/password is correct, they will be able to log in to the equipment. If not, they will not get access. This is a very convenient approach compared to local login.
Imagine you hire a new administrator and, in one case, you need to update hundreds of routers, APs, and switches to create a local login everywhere. In another case, you give a new hire one common login/password but must remember to change those credentials when a person leaves the company.
The best-case scenario is to connect all networking devices to the Radius server and verify administrator login using Radius protocol.
Authorization means that different levels of access can be implemented. Some administrators can change the configurations. Some can only view and read config.
Splynx stores information on when the network unit was accessed by an administrator and what was done there.
Check out the tutorials on how to configure admin login using Radius Splynx server on different platforms:
Splynx Radius server supports different ways of customers’ central authentication in the network of Internet providers. It always depends on the topology of an ISP and the technology that they decide to use. Access technologies are widely used, their advantages and disadvantages are described below:
Check out these manuals for different types of user authentication in Splynx:
1. Mikrotik: DHCP using Radius
2. Mikrotik: PPPoE and other PPP tunnels using Radius
3. Mikrotik: Hotspot with Radius
5. Mikrotik: Static IP addressing with API authentication/accounting
6. Mikrotik: Local DHCP with Mikrotik API
7. Ubiquiti: Wireless authentication with Radius
8. Ubiquiti: PPPoE authentication on Edge Routers
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