South Africa
Splynx is stable and works seamlessly. The support is quick and to the point, with no hesitation.
Since microbil were closed I tried to find other software that were close to it, but with no success. Then the one day i did see a post of mikrobil referencing Splynx.
Why Splynx?
I am with Splynx a few years now, from the start everything was easy, if i had a question , the answer were mailed back to me in a very short time and sometimes with a link to the correct video to answer my question. About a month ago i were busy upgrading my backup server, then the solid state drive of my splynx server died. I did ask the guys at splynx if they maybe have a backup or if we can get splynx to read the data from the mikrotik. They informed me that they actually do have backups of my data every 6 hours, This backup were made 1.5 hours before the server died. From the time that i did send the ssh details through to them the server were restored back to its former glory in less than 3 hours, Now that is a great sevice, well done !!!!!!
Results from working with us?
The transformation was quick and painless, the easiest ever, i don't have a lot of linux experience and this was a walk in the park. The time saved on the client setup, love it quick and easy. The seamless working and stability of Splynx.The support when i need it is quick and to the point, no hesitation.